まさに現代の浮世絵 堀万里の作品を見にいらっしゃいませんか?
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You can also view the full catalog of Amazon Photos by clicking on the link Graduating at the top of her class from the oil painting department of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Mari Hori's works freely move between East and West, boldly incorporating the expressive methods of Ukiyoe and ink painting based on her exceptional drawing ability and Western painting techniques. When the subject and herself resonated intensely, Mari poured her overflowing emotion and love into the canvas. This website introduces her representative works and life. If you find a painting that interests you, please let us know by filling out the inquiry form or calling us, and we will arrange for you to visit the "Picture Gallery Mari-an" to see the work in person.
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桜 長年暮らした立川には古い桜の木が多く、お隣の国立市・大学通りの桜並木や、高尾にある試験林の桜は、堀万里を魅了し続けました。様々な表現に挑み、桜の絵は数多くのバリエーションがあります。このような筆致で桜を描いた画家がこれまでいたでしょうか。(一橋の桜 二人)Cherry Blossoms・・・ There are many old cherry trees in Tachikawa where Mari Hori lived for many years, and the cherry trees along next Kunitati city and University Street and the cherry blossoms in the test forest in Takao continued to fascinate Mari Hori. There are many variations of cherry blossom paintings that challenge various expressions. Have there ever been a painter who drew cherry blossoms with such brushstrokes? (Cherry blossoms in Hitotsubashi, two people)
人物 自然だけでなく、人間そのものに興味が尽きなかった堀万里。北斎など浮世絵の影響を感じさせる強い線、意表を突く配色など、様々な試みを重ねました。(潮 白いカーディガン)Person・・・ Mari Hori was not only interested in nature but also human beings themselves. We made various attempts, such as strong lines that make you feel the influence of Ukiyo-e such as Hokusai, and unexpected color schemes. (Ushio white cardigan)
ねこ 繰り返しモデルとなったのは、ヒマラヤンの「プー」。気の強いオス猫でした。他にも、晩年に二人暮らしをした「チビ」、白猫の「きらら」など、美しい猫を何度もモチーフにしています。(ヒマラヤン)Cat・・・ Repeatedly modeled "Pooh" of Himalayan. It was a strong-tempered male cat. In addition, beautiful cats such as "Chibi", where they lived together in their later years, and "Kirara", a white cat, have been motifs many times. (Himalayan)
祭り 絵を教える縁で数多くの府中の人と知り合いました。その府中のくらやみ祭を皮切りに、秩父の夜祭り、川瀬や佐倉の祭りなど、各地に出かけて、祭りで躍動し輝く人たちを取材しました。思い切りシンプルな筆致で、瞬間の動きや感情を描き、人間という存在を力強く肯定しています。(若衆)FestivaI ・・・She met many Fuchu people in the way she taught the festival paintings. Starting with the Kurayami Festival in Fuchu, she went to various places such as Chichibu night festivals, Kawase and Sakura festivals, and covered people who are active and shining at the festival. With a simple brushstroke, she draws the movement and emotions of the moment and strongly affirms the existence of human beings. (Young people)